陈西于2005年5月出狱。同年12月10日,陈西等人依照中国宪法规定召集“贵州公民首届国际人权研讨会”。此后,研讨会参加者经常就人权事件发表看法和参与维权活动,并至少在每年的人权日前后举办一次人权研讨活动,以唤醒中国民众的人权意识。2011年10月5日,陈西和另外3名研讨会成员依法以独立候选人身份竞选地方人大代表。11月28日,研讨会发布《告全省公民书》并转呈中共中央和贵州各级政府,号召公民们“团结起来,自组织和加入到各类人权组织中,依靠集体的力量迫使权力当局尊重《世界人权宣言》”。11月29日陈西被捕,他的电脑和USB闪存盘作为罪证被警察收缴。现羁押在贵阳市第一看守所。12 月 5 日贵州省民政厅颁布《关于取缔“贵州公民人权研讨会”的决定》。
悉尼支持中国民主化工作平台 陈用林
中国政治及宗教受难者后援会 孙立勇
民主中国阵线澳洲分部 张小刚
公民力量 杨建利
中国工党 方 圆
中国民主党全委会澳纽地委 高 健
海外民运墨尔本联盟 张伟强
贵州 贵阳人权捍卫者:李任科、徐国庆、吴玉琴、糜崇骠、田祖湘、卢勇祥、黄燕民、全林志、申有年、曾 宁、吴郁、陶玉平、雍志民、杜和平、马琳丽、莫建刚、朱正元、廖双元、范厚成。
中国民主党广西党部(海外):李志友(民主党人 泰国)、覃夕权(民主党成员 泰国)、郑建新(民主党成员 泰国)、林封品(民主党成员 泰国)、罗柳英(公民 泰国)、于先名(民主党成员 广西)、王重阳(民主党成员 广西)、李朋光(民主党成员 广西)、将大明(公民 广西)、杨建进(民主党成员 广西)、李春民(民主党成员 广西)、钟小乐(民主党成员 广西)、林芳平(民主党成员 广西)、黎小龙(民主党人 广西)、潘晓军(民主党成员 广西)、于敏 (民主党成员 广西)
潘君(公民 广西)、王志钢(公民 广西)、李大庆 (民主党成员 广西)、李强(民主党成员 辽宁)、郭风(民主党成员 广西)、何小蓝(民主党成员 广西)、梁安咪(公民 广西)、邓友发(民主党成员 广西)、黄华斌(民主党成员 广西)、张兴 (民主党成员 广西)、赖志钢(民主党成员 广西)、杨春敏(公民 广西)。
Letter to the UN Secretary General H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
and Heads of State of the UN Members
His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General of the United Nations
New York
(or Address of Heads of State of the UN members)
December 19, 2001
Your Excellency ( or Heads of State of the UN members),
We are writing to draw your attention to the case of a Chinese Human Rights defender Mr. CHEN Xi.
The Chinese Government formally detained Mr. CHEN Xi “on suspicion of Inciting Subversion of State Power”. The police did not send the Writ of Arrest to his wife until noon on December 11. On December 16, the Guiyang Intermediate People’s Court has started the trial procedure offering CHEN’s Lawyer a copy of prosecution documents filed by the local Prosecutorial Office. The prosecution documents enlist thirty six articles written by CHEN Xi since his release from prison in 2005 and some segment words taken from the articles, as so-called crime evidences of “Inciting Subversion of State Power”.
CHEN Xi, originally named “CHEN Youcai, is a devoted human rights defender, a writer and a respected Christian. He advocates a peaceful, rational and moderate way to address the human rights issue so as to promote the human rights in China. He is an author of many political commentary writings on China’s human rights and politics. He was sentenced three years in prison with three years of deprivation of political rights for forming “Guiyang Saloon Friendship Society” and “Patriotic and Democratic Federation” during the 1989 pro-democracy movement. Later in 1995, he was sentenced to ten years in prison with deprivation of political rights for five years for forming “Guizhou Branch of China Democracy Party”.
CHEN Xi was released from prison in May 2005. On December 10 in the same year, CHEN Xi and some other activists convened “the 1st International Human Rights Forum of Guizhou Citizens.” Thereafter, the Forum participants often expressed their views about human rights events and spoke for some human rights victims, and had hold group meetings at least once annually to raise the awareness of human rights among the Chinese public. On November 5, 2011, CHEN Xi and three other Forum participants ran for the local People’s Congress of Representatives election as independent candidates according to the Chinese law. On November 28, the Forum issued a “Statement to the Citizens of the whole Province [Guizhou]” copied to the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and local governments in Guizhou. The Statement called citizens to “be united, be self-organized or join other human rights groups so as to pressure the Authorities to respect “the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. On November 29, CHEN Xi was arrested, his personal computer and USB flash disk being seized as crime evidences. Currently, CHEN Xi is held at the 1st Detention Centre of Guiyang City. On December 5, the Department of Civil Affairs of the Guizhou province issued “Decision on Banning Guizhou Citizens Human Rights Forum” to all the Forum participants.
We express our indignation and grief over the Chinese Government’s banning of discussion on human rights in China, publicly trampling on the basic human right, i.e. the right of expression, on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the U.N. Human Rights Day. According to Article 105 and Article 106 of China’s Criminal Law, CHEN Xi may be sentenced into prison for a term over 6 years. Since his release in 2005, CHEN Xi has been temporarily detained many times each year. In consideration of his experience of being unfairly and secretly tried twice before and many other similar cases, we are very worried that the trial this time will not be a just and open one.
Your Excellency, China is one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, a member of the UN Human Rights Council and a signature country of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The detention of CHEN Xi by China and banning of Guizhou Human Rights Forum is totally against the preamble of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which is not only a humiliation to the other UN member countries, but also a mock to Your Excellency as the UN Secretary-General.
Therefore, please instantly urge the Chinese Government to release immediately Mr. CHEN Xi and other renown Chinese human rights defenders and prisoners of conscience such as LIU Xiaobo, GAO Zhisheng and ZHU Yufu.
Yours Faithfully